No matter
“Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.”
[John 13:34]

You know that tag line "When you're here, you're family?" Well, we believe that when you walk through our doors, you're our family too. No matter what race, sexual orientation or gender identity, political affiliation, economic class, immigration status, level of education or employment - we all belong here. We are a small but growing congregation that seeks to reflect the richness of God's diversity. We are progressive in our theology but welcome those of different theological perspectives. As members of Christ's church, we don't always agree, but we believe in staying in relationship with each other and talking about our differences - because, no matter what, we are family.
Rooted in the love of Christ, growing in our knowledge of God, and working to bear the fruit of the Spirit, we gather together to learn and to worship, and then we go out into the world to serve.
"I came that they might have life,
and have it abundantly."
[John 10:10]
Jesus spent most of his ministry on the road, meeting people wherever they happened to be: on fishing boats, in the temple, even wandering through the tombs caught in the demonic grasp of mental illness. Following Christ, we engage with our neighbors, get out into our neighborhoods, and work for justice. We invite you to join us in engaging ever more deeply and living ever more abundantly.