Advent Reflection - December 4, 2019
Advent is the beginning of the liturgical calendar and yet it is here that the lectionary places this story at the very beginning. This is

Advent Reflection - December 3, 2019
Scripture Psalm 20: a Prayer for Victory The Lord answer you in the day of trouble! The name of the God of Jacob protect you! May he...

Advent Reflection - December 2, 2019
It’s all about love! Â
Long before there were boundaries of space and time and before the foundation of the World, God was! And with God w

Advent Reflection - December 1, 2019
This Advent we begin our journey into the beauty and the mess. The story of Jesus' birth is as beautiful as it is messy, and I think the

VBS Envy VBS Disdain
Lauren and I are sitting at the dining room table getting some work done as we often do on those rare occasions when we don't have...

Evicted from Eden
There's a small group of us that meets on Tuesday mornings as a kind of pre-seminary seminar for young adults discerning a call to...

Non-Anxious Presence? Maybe Not.
I cannot count the number of times in seminary that we were taught to be the "non-anxious presence" as pastors - in fact, I don't even...

Fabricating Victims
I wasn't going to write a post this week. Pregnancy has been keeping me up at night, and I barely feel coherent enough to put enough...

The Promise of the Resurrection - Maybe It's Not What You Think
Anyone who has ever heard me talk about theology will likely know that I love the resurrection. Like, really love it. Like, it's...

A Letter of Encouragement to LGBTQ Seminarians
Perusing Facebook earlier this week, I was disturbed (though not altogether surprised) to find several posts about some nasty goings-on...