Mission & Outreach
"What does the Lord require of you, but to to justice, love kindness and walk humbly with your God."
- Micah 6:8
Mission and outreach is at the heart of this community. Over the years we has taken on many forms from cooking meals to hosting a summer camp for local students. Read more below to learn about how we are engaging with our community right now!
Good Trouble Church (formerly North Avenue Mission)
Help us support the Good Trouble Church community by donating the following items:
CANNED PROTEIN, e.g. canned Meats, Stews, Legumes (Beans etc.)
SOCKS … all-sized Good Socks needed any time of year.
Other care items, personal toiletries/ hygiene items, are still welcomed and snacks etc., but the above are noted as priority now.
Other Specialty Items
Coats, blankets, sleeping bags, Boots, Handwarmers, Baby diapers (various sizes), Baby wipes, Baby formula, Phone Chargers, Charging Bricks, OTC medicines, Tylenol, cold medicine, Advil, Tampons, Sanitary Pads.
You may drop off your donations at DMPC or on the distribution shelf at their Red Shed Village (2017 St. Paul's Street, Baltimore, MD).
To learn more about Good Trouble Church and all of their amazing work, Check out their Website: https://www.goodtroublechurch.org/

Catonsville Emergency Assistance
We have a long standing partnership with our friends from Catonsville Emergency Assistance (CEA). All year long we collect non-perishable food items for their pantry. We have also helped to make Thanksgiving baskets for them during the holiday season.
To learn more about CEA, check our their website: https://catonsvillehelp.org/